behind the scenes of science fiction and fantasy
behind the scenes of science fiction and fantasy - 2008 Edition - 2005 Edition

- 2004 Edition


Exhibition “X - Art, Invisible Art ”

With a great logistic effort on the part of the consortium of ADVENTURAGE and VISUALIA, an imposing monster that snaked a path over 800 square meters was created using special effects. The themes were divided in 3 sections; ALIENS, MONSTERS and SPACESHIPS which offered to a large public the possibility to see the original board of numerous professions in addition to a life size model of Spaceships and Aliens.

Great success was obtained at the Alien corner of Roswell due to the  animated animatron and a model of a spaceship that was 4 meters tall.

Roswell corner, fx by Alessio Pieroni.

In mostra tavole originali di autori che, nel corso della loro esperienza, hanno affrontato le varie tematiche della fantascienza e del fantasy
Through the presentation of original project boards and prints in the phases of work, the visitors will encounter reproductions of monsters, aliens, and spaceships as a tangible form from the 3-dimensional cinemagraphic realization and transposition of the sculptural designs
From here we begin a voyage to the inside of the finalization and of backstage effects that belong to the field of make-up, that is make-up that transforms, creating monsters and aliens of the world of fantasy and horror films. All of this will be represented focusing on the art of the pre-visualization and sculptures following the themes of aliens, monsters and spaceships.

On show will be original boards by artists that, in the course of their experience, confronted various themes within science fiction and fantasy.



Digital illustration by Patrito.


model in resin of t-Rex of IMA and layout of Chiarotti.

“Make-up point”
A corner dedicated to traditional special effects- Make-up

Alessio Pieroni, con i suoi "effetti speciali" ha mostrato al pubblico come si realizzano protesi e simulano i vari effetti cinematografici di trucco.
Sono oltre 600 le persone del pubblico che si sono fatte "truccare" dal professionista della IMA.

corner for tradition FX by IMA.

“Frames of China “ by Stefano Casini

Meeting with the great comics author Stefano Casini who will demonstrate to the public how to turn a script into a comic.

stefano casini
exhibition staff and workshop with Stefano Casini.

“Animotion” (a cura di Nemo NT Accademia delle Arti Digitali di Firenze)

A corner dedicated to traditional animation cinema. The path to realizing an animated cartoon will be illustrated through projections and live demonstrations, showing the techniques of both design and stop motion. The public will be allowed to interact and create their own animated designs, also with plasticine.

Animation in stop motion corner.

“Digital FX” (by Nemo NT Accademia delle Arti Digitali of Firenze)

from 10:30 to 13:00 and 15:30 to 18:00

A corner dedicated to modeling and digital rendering. Luca Iacopozzi a teacher at  the Accademia delle Arti Digitali Nemo Nt and a professional in the field will show the path from designing an alien or a spaceship, to the 3 dimensional representation utilizing the software Alias Maya.

Workshop with famous artists

Professionals meet with the kids from the workshop of NEMOKIDS and show them how they create and draw the  various science fiction and fantasy characters.
Stefano Casini

In addition to the exhibit staff, Stefano Casini comic designer and teacher at the Accademia NEmo NT of Firenze, held a workshop on comics.
nemoland staff
Nemo and Adventurage

Professionals of the Accademia NEMO and the consortium of Adventurage thanks to their passion for cinema.
A fantastic voyage among aliens and spaceships


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NEMOLAND è una manifestazione a cura di NEMO NT - via della Colonna 35/a Firenze - Italia
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